Side belly pain

 Hrrm last night I was having these pains in the left side of my belly while I moved around in bed getting comfortable. Even the baby got on that side and kicked and it made me yelp out because it hurt in that area. This morning I was stretching my body out and that pain hurt and made me jerk and stop stretching. Maybe I pulled a muscle in my belly?? As if I needed another pulled muscle to bother me. 😣😣 Any ideas? It is like 3-4 inches left of my belly button. Someone had mentioned round ligament pain but it seems too high up for that to be it. I can cough and it not hurt at all but stretching seems to def have an impact on the pain. Probably just nothing. Just an odd area to have a pulled muscle. I do nothing these past couple months but stay mostly in bed. I do my normal daily safe stretches. So weird how out of nowhere I start getting this pain.