Had to laugh.....

Luna • Baby Elle arrived 9/16/15 😍
Last night was a funny one. My hubby is traveling and I was alone, going to bed... Said my usual prayer about baby and then suddenly started inconsolably crying. I couldn't stop. Crying about fear for the baby, etc. Eventually I snapped out of it.....went to sleep.....(hellllllo hormones)
Around 530AM I woke up thinking about a milkshake. More specifically a frostee.... Wtf?! Are frostees from DQ? I have no idea I haven't had a milkshake in 10 years.... But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I got ginger ale from the fridge and tried to pretend it was a milkshake LOL.
The struggle is real!!!! Cravings are real!!!!!
I just ordered a milkshake for delivery so excited for it's arrival 🙏 have to laugh about my hormonal/craving night.