Military / TTC Stress

Angela • 💍 Married 10-11-12! 👫TTC since 11/2013. 💉 IVF #1: 6/2016, miscarried 7/2016. 💉 IVF #2: 8/2017, miscarried 10/2017. 🌈 FET #1: 4/2018, Rowan Amelia born 12/16/18
My husband has been serving in the Navy since 2000. In 2009 he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
He was temporarily put on the medically retired list until he was 5 years clear of cancer. In 2014, he hit that mark (yay!!) and was found fit for duty in June 2014. We heard nothing from June - December. On December 31, 2014 our benefits & his retirement pay stopped. He swore back in on January 9, 2015. And then nothing. We're waiting for orders, but no one seems to know what to do since this is a new situation for most.
So we have no benefits. We both work 7 days per week, waiting to hear from the Navy. My DH is so stressed and upset that he hasn't heard any thing. So we put a pause on TTC for now. One less thing to worry about.
Sorry ... Needed to vent before work ... Thanks for listening 😊