Short Luteal Phase

Ashley • Proud wife, mom, bonus mom (step-mom), and physical therapist! Expecting baby #2 February 2018. Loving my hectic life!!
So this cycle I believe I ovulated on cycle day 19 (based on OPK and BBT). Sadly today I started spoting and I believe AF is on her way 😞. It's only been 6 days since my I ovulated and that isn't sufficient time for the egg to implant and the lining of the uterus to build up. I take Vitex which is supposed to help increase progesterone levels and lengthen the Luteal phase. This next cycle I will increase the dark leafy greens in my diet to help as well. I just feel frustrated bc I had such high hopes for this cycle. Maybe I need to visit my doctor but I'm worried she will tell me to just keep trying bc I've only been TTC for 5 months. Sigh...😞