Gearing up for a new cycle.

Ashley • Proud wife, mom, bonus mom (step-mom), and physical therapist! Expecting baby #2 February 2018. Loving my hectic life!!
So AF had left and I'm gearing up for this cycle. I've changed things up a bit this go round. I'm still taking prenatals and Vitex but I also added B6 pill once a day to help my short Luteal phase. I've also worked more dark leafy greens into my diet. I sat down and penciled in some physcial activity (weather it be going to the gym or going for a walk) at least 4 days a week. Hopefully the exercise will keep my stress levels low and make the time go by quickly. Of course I will continue to pray not only for me but for yall. I know in my heart God has a precious gift for all of us and is just waiting for the right time. Hope yall are doing well! Keep me posted. Hearing from yall helps remind me I'm not alone in my TTC struggles.😊