Need to vent

Saima • 32 year old mommy to three great boys! Step son Vladi (9.19.09), Eddie (10.23.13) and newest addition Ozzie (7.31.15)!
It's official- today SUCKS! 
 I have a 16 month old son, 5 year old step son (with us monday through Friday), and am 13 weeks along. I am the main bread winner in the house- I work 55-65 hours a week running restaurants, he works four evenings a week as a bartender and watches the kids during the day. Last night was his brothers bday, he promised up and down he would be home in time for me to go to work (9am) this morning. No word from him until 1245pm this afternoon when he shows up at the store I am working at today, still partially drunk, wanting to know where our 16 month old is. I actually had to ask one of my employees to not work today and watch my son, as I could not find another manager to cover my shift. He is a great father until alcohol is involved, when he turns into a complete monster. I have finally had enough today. I asked him to pack his things and leave. I made an appointment to visit a day care later this week, and will be talking to my boss this evening about stepping down and only running one location. I don't know what else to do. I feel so horribly guilty for my step son. The stability he did not have from birth until 3 is back again. I feel so guilty for my son, he loves his dad and spends a lot of the time with him as primary care giver. He will now be losing his brother as well. I can't even contemplate the one on the way not getting to be around daddy. Why is alcohol so important to him? Why can't his family be first priority? I thought waiting to have kids until after 30 and in a stable career, stable living arrangement, stable relationship, meant I was skipping on the drama. Guess I was wrong. So lost at the moment. Feel paralyzed by fear and not knowing what to do next....