
It's about 11.30pm and I've had to go I to the labour ward at the hospital 40 minutes from my home because I had some bleeding. Only a tiny bit. I noticed it when I wiped after using the loo.
I rang in and they asked me to come in because I am rhesus negative and need to have an injection in case the blood comes from my baby who could be rhesus positive and my body could start making antibodies without this treatment.
This is the third time it has happened. The doctors have told me I have a small polyp just inside my cervix and a small ectropian (where some of the cells normally found in the womb are found on the cervix), and that this could make me more prone to bleeding.
Apparently the bleeding can happen spontaneously, but they want to examine me inside again to check all is well.
It all takes ages with lots of waiting around and is quite stressful - although not so much now that I know what to expect.
The bright side is I know my way around the labour ward now!
So tired now! Last time I didn't get home untill 3am :-( 