Heavy clotting after mirena removal

I had mirena for almost 2 years and experienced horrible cramps and spotting almost the entire time. I then noticed it would occasionally hurt during and after sex with my boyfriend and I thought it was just due to being a little rough. Turns out it had moved and it was basically poking my insides for the past couple of months. I lost my sex drive and I'm only 22. My last period I had was 2 weeks long, and I got fed up with ALWAYS bleeding and went to the dr yesterday to get it removed. I'm glad I did but due to the misbalance of hormones mirena caused me, I now have an infection that is being treated. I wish I would have listened to my body much much sooner because I have been miserable from the mirena. Overall I am so incredibly happy that I got it removed, but am wondering how long it will take for the heavy bleeding (and clotting) to stop?