Anyone on a low glycemic diet?

💕Jenny💕 • 11 years of infertility. 3 mscarrgs. Clomid, IUIs, expl lap. Gave up. Got preg by "accident" on low glyc diet. TTC #2
Ok, if I don't get on the ball & start eating low glycemic, I'm NEVER going to get pregnant again!  I went 11 years miscarrying & only able to get pregnant on Clomid. After giving up, only to get pregnant with my daughter several years later while 3 months into a low glycemic diet.....I seriously doubt that was a coincidence!
 I'm having a heck of a time getting started again!  I'm in the 2WW & eating everything in sight. It's too cold to exercise outside. I'm a SAHM with a 15-month-old. The hardest part, though, is the planning. If I don't plan out my meals & snacks, I'll never get the protein, fat, carb ratio right.  I guess I need to get back onto MyFitnessPal & enter my meals in.  This is SOOOOO HARD but I guess I need to ask myself how bad I want to get pregnant!
Is anyone else eating low glycemic?  How do you plan out your meals?  Is there an easy way?  Does anyone have some good recipes?  Like ones you've already tried & you definitely like?
Please give me some advice!  Ugh!