Young girls TTC

Taco • Just here for the comments...

First off; I'm 19. So don't try to pull the age discrimination card. I'm in this age group and I include myself in this. This is NOT directed towards you teen moms who accidentally ended up pregnant and made it work. This is directed towards those who are selfish enough to consider purposefully bringing a baby into the world when they have no way of being the parent that child needs.

If you are still in school: you are not ready to think about having a baby. I don't care if you live on your own and pay your own bills. As a student, I highly doubt you make enough to support yourself through pregnancy and raise a baby, and even if by some miracle you can, you'd most likely be working so many hours plus finishing school that that baby would be being raised by its daycare or babysitter...not you. Don't have a child if you can't provide for it AND raise it on your own. I don't care about your boyfriend; sadly relationships change, and you can't guarantee he'll always be there to help.

If you feel the need to throw a fit over the Internet because people are "judging you" by telling you you aren't ready: you're not ready to have a baby. Grow up, become a little more mature.

If you do not make enough money to support yourself through pregnancy and raise the baby on your own without government assistance: you are not ready to TRY to have a baby. Our tax dollars are not there so you can be selfish and have a baby you can't afford on purpose. They're there to help women who actually need them.

If you and your partner have been together for less than 18 months: you are definitely not ready to have a baby together. Build your relationship up some more before you tie yourselves together for the rest of your lives.