LONG ! Really just need some advice.

I'm 16... In June I started dating this boy who've I known for 4 years ... everything was great , he was my first love & he was the one I lost my virginity to... At the end of October, we broke up. It was a very nasty break up ( he disrespected me, cursed at me, called me names) basically made me feel like shit... anyways, we kept having sex with eachother .. In December, one night I invited my close friend over who've I known since elementary.. and we had sex. It wasn't planned.. it just happened. The next morning I was a wreck.. I was crying so hard I threw up. Anyways, my ex kept coming around and we kept having sex. It's February now .. and we still are having sex to this day. The thing is, I think he has a new girlfriend.. I'm not sure. Anyways, I don't want to do this anymore. This makes me feel so worthless and Im tired of faking my happiness when I'm clearly not happy. I want to stop having sex with him. and basically just forget about him. I don't know where to start . I've blocked him before and everything but it's like I still always fall victim to his words... and we end up having sex. He says he loves me all the time, and that he will always be there for me.. but is this really love ? I'm so confused and lost ...