Who is your support?

Going through my 4th MC, I have found that I'm very alone.
My husband is wonderful, but he's got a new job ( his dream job finally) when we found out about this one, so it's been hard on him to juggle me and the job.
My family avoids me and my sister texts me to ask me about my sick cat ( I have a 20 year old cat who's hanging on by a thread)
Some of my coworkers figured I was off bc I was pregnant and when they texted to ask how the pregnancy was doing, I told them I'd lost another. Haven't heard since.
My friends text me to ask me what's up and I tell them I'm having a hard time with this. They apologize, and then they're gonzo.
There is literally no one in my life to support me emotionally right now. I read many posts that read that they couldn't do it with their family, friends, etc.
Anyone else in the same boat as me? Misery loves company. 😥