I hate nausea ):

My first pregnancy it lasted 1 week. And it was randomly during my 5th month.  
This pregnancy it has lasted so far about 3 weeks. All day long. Gradually getting worse by the day. EVERYTHING smells bad to me. I haven't eaten a full meal in days. Mostly soup and crackers everyday and that's only about twice a day. Last night I cried til I fell asleep bc I was so hungry and couldn't keep anything down and on top of that my SO is in the navy and leaves today for 3 weeks for annual training. So I'm pretty much alone with my 5 year old miserable. THIS SUCKS. On the bright side I bought some Sea Bands and there's actually some relief. Sorry for the rant. Is there anything else I can do to help myself eat, I just need to put something in my stomach 😩