I feel alone in college

I'm a second semester in community college and it's about 40 mins commute. On my first semester I wanted to redeem my bad high school experience which in high school I was kinda a no body and had only one best friend so when I got to college I tried to made tons of friends and be really comfidence which it work I got to hang out with so many people and of course so many parties I even got elected into student goverment on my first year it was really fun but after awhile I just feel so sick of it. My best friend is away from me and all of my new friends even tho we hang out at school they never seem to care enought about anything else, like if I have a problem I have no one to turn to. Then second samester come we all have different schedule so I don't even see them anymore and I can't even really hang out with them outside school since I live so far from everyone else so they don't usually include me in the plan. I realized that in the last semester I made a lot of of aqitence but none of them is actually my "friend". Now everyday I just sit alone in the library and study which is a good thing but i just felt so horrible because I have no one to talk to. And it hurt so much when I see all this people in four years college and made tons of friends with their roommate and stuff.