IUI timing confusion

Melisa • 35, Finally pregnant with #1 after IVF!! Due in May 💗
I got a positive opk this morning (it was negative yesterday), so I scheduled my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> for tomorrow. 
But when I input the data into glow it says today I have a 27% chance of pregnancy and tomorrow it's an 18% chance. I also use the Ovia app and the same thing, it has my fertility score yesterday as 10, today as 9.5, and tomorrow is 8.5. 
Does this mean tomorrow is too late? I had to wait for a positive to schedule it. 
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I got a positive opk on cycle day 10 and was freaking out b/c it was so early in my cycle. Had iui on cycle day 11. Pregnant 😃 good luck!


Posted at
The timing of my second IUI virtually mimicked what you have described, and I am currently 14 weeks pregnant. I was confident that the timing would be off, but alas I was wrong. Best of luck! &nbsp;


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I think it is assuming the sperm need the travel time required after sex to get where it needs to go. The IUI bypasses a lot of that travel so it can be done later and closer to the time the egg is ready.


Melisa • Feb 28, 2015
Good point, thanks! I was starting to get anxiety.