Prayed for a baby

I had spotting last Saturday.. figured my period was starting and was so upset bc I have been trying to conceive for 8 months...I prayed to God and my great grandma and grandpa who are in Heaven to allow me to get pregnant in the near future that day. That night I fell asleep and had a realistic dream that I was telling my great Grandmother that I was going to have a baby and she was beyond was like she never left us ...the dream was so real. I woke up and went in the bathroom to take a test bc I took this as a sign...I looked that the test and it was pregnant for the first time ever! I was so thankful and was so amazed that something I prayed for came through so instantly ..and the dream made it seem to be even more like a miracle. I told my husband and we were on cloud 9!  I was so happy and I took another test that night and the digital said not pregnant..took a first response the next morning and it was definitely positive..after four pregnancy tests and three days I got bloodwork nervous bc of the came back positive..but I had a very low Hcg level of 25...I hoped it would go up and two days later it was down to husband I were devastated...currently I have my period and I am very upset I can't get out of bed or think of anything else really...I need advice from some spiritual people out there..what do you think this all meant?