
I am five weeks into a new pregnancy. I suffered a miscarriage before this, and a healthy live birth several years back. My question is how can I get excited with a Dr. telling me I have a 20% chance to lose this one as well? I am not treated like a pregnant woman; more like I am a time bomb and I could miscarry at any moment. I think it's in some way worse than my personal grief over the prior loss because how can I prepare for someone to arrive while preparing to lose them at the same time? No baby names to list, no thoughts on child care when I go back to work, no warmly pursuing the baby sections at stores... just a feeling of I am different and alone with these feelings. Instead of normal visits, I have to get my blood tested every week so that they can monitor my hcg levels to make sure it's doubling each day. I have all the symptoms of a pregnant woman yet I feel disconnected and empty. I want my baby terribly. It hurts to ask him or she to please stay every night before another restless sleep. Let me know if I am not alone. I could use any support. "little one, please... Stay."