Baby aspirin 75mg - yes or no?

Claire • 2 MCs in 2014, hoping for a sticky bean third time around, due Nov 2015 🙏
I need some advice please as don't know what to do....
I'm about 4-5 weeks and have had 2 mc's in the past. I rang my EPU to let them know I was pregnant (as they advised me to last time) and it was suggested I go see my GP to see if taking a low dose baby aspirin would be recommended for me during this pregnancy. Went to the GP and explained my history and she said 'I don't know much about it, let me just google it' and I was dumbstruck that a GP was doing what I usually do and googling whether I should or shouldn't! In the end she said it was up to me so I really don't know whether to or not; have any of you taken it and been ok? Has it helped or made things worse? All I wanted was to get a straightforward yes or no and now I'm scared of making the wrong decision 😔