Is my girlfriend right...?

GUYS! Or girls rather! Well anyway I'm one of the few boyfriends on This app and I have to say I really like the community section, it's interesting reading the different posts and voting on polls!
SO my gf (of two years) and I had a fight earlier and I said some pretty mean things. It was in the heat of the moment, although they weren't personal attacks or name calling. I regret saying these things
So she doesn't reply to them, and a minute late I'm wondering where she is so I check her tumblr just to see if she's doing that and she POSTED A SCREENSHOT of what I said. Now both her hs and college friends are on tumblr and I really freaked out. 
I know I shouldn't have said those things but everyone has fights and says things they don't mean sometimes, but posting it online seems like a breach of trust.

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