Friend Issues (Long)

Dakota • Senior in high school. Lucky to be with my handsome guy since 4/24/14

Okay, so I have this friend who moved to my school like a month ago, and I'm getting mad at her and I need some help. So she has/had this crazy sounding boyfriend and they were dating for like two months before he like cheated on her I guess. So of course she got super pissed at him and wouldn't talk to him. But he apparently begged her over to his house so she went over there and then she apparently got mad and left, but he pounded on her truck door apparently.

So she left anyway and he called her apparently like 7 times and blah blah and anyway, she started talking to one of my guy friends. She then told me she liked him for his personality and they hung out more and more. Well today she left school early and wouldn't tell me or my guy friend why, and he was confused because he felt she would've told him. Honestly, he looked a little hurt. He likes her a lot.

So then I get home and I get on Facebook and I see see had hacked her apparently now dating boyfriend (same guy as before) and said how she loved him and he was her everything blah blah. This made me mad because I don't want to see my guy friend hurt, because he doesn't deserve it. So I sent her a message asking what was going on and she hasn't replied yet.

What should I do?