Menstrual health

Aretha • Mother of four, hard working, trying to be an independent single mother
I have the paraguard iud and have had it for 4 1/2 years. I have never had any problems with it besides the cramping and heavy bleeding. In December I noticed my periods were off and the whole month of Jan i was nauseaus. I took a hpt and got a light positive then took another couple of days later and got a negative. Well i went to the dr anyway for a test and that urine test came back negative as well. I was very confused and still tried hpts and still negative. So i made an appt yesterday ,ive gained weight & my stomach has expanded. Well she did the whole checkup, pap, said she could still see my strings and said ny uterus didnt feel swollen or expanded but when she pushed on my left side i got a sharp pain. She gave me orders for a sonogram but Id like to know your opinons.