AF question .. TMI

Hi there im just wondering if anyone has ever expirrenced something similar too my story, I've  had regular periods (28 days and super heavy) I had an mc in October but it was really early and went fine without a d&c then my cycle changed to 34 days for two months and then back to regular normal 28 days and normal period than the month after and last month I've had they are 28 days but really light but long periods. 
My last period wasn't quite as long but alot lighter than normal and this period has lasted 9 days! It's mostly last 4 days have been when I wipe or spots and it's brown and pink blood. At the start I had pretty bad cramps and noticible blood but slightly less then my normal blood. And I've had a yeast infection come and go throughout this hole period. I've treated it but some days I feel it's back and others I don't. 
 I am going to my doctors on Saturday so I know that it's silly asking strangers such a detailed question  but I wanted to see if anyone else hasexperienced  anything along these lines and what the outcome was, or even if you have any constructive feedback I would be glad to hear thank you all! 
Thanks for reading !