Post-abortion or miscarriage logging

Apologies if this has been asked and answered before, but I'm wondering if there's any way to log an abortion to more accurately reflect and catalogue my cycle. I had an in-clinic termination on Jan 7 and simultaneously had an IUD inserted, so I haven't had a proper period yet (but have been spotting since that time- very minimally for the past few weeks, thank goodness). 
Unfortunately, Glow seems to think I'm going to have my period at its usual interval and then keeps telling me all the diseases I might have as a result of spotting/not menstruating because there isn't a way to just enter "I had an abortion and an IUD put in! Things will be crazy for a while! I don't need this scaremongering tips!"
I imagine folks who are post-miscarriage have similar experiences, so really any tactics to help Glow along would be very helpful to me. Thank you.