Wth was my dream about?! 😖

Last night (okay more like 2am) I got up to pee and while I was walking to and going to the bathroom I had this strange pain in my stomach. I guess the best way to describe it was like a mix of cramping and stabbing pain? I've never felt it before I'm not sure how to describe it. Anyway, after that I fell asleep around 4am and I had a dream that I was in the bathroom with my friend while she was going to the bathroom and I started coughing violently. I coughed so hard and I ended up coughing up my unborn baby and I freaked out and started bawling my eyes out holding my baby and cried for a really long time. It was very vivid and terrifying. I woke up and now I'm worried something could be wrong with my baby or was this just a weird dream??😣😥 I know sown times people say certain dreams mean something I'm just wondering if this is the case. Oh and I'm 14 weeks 6days if that helps...