Anyone else dealing with crazy pregnant girls?

A friend of my brothers is barely 18. I don't have her on fb and honestly I really don't like her. She was dating a friend of mine for awhile an was purposely trying to get pregnant without him knowing. (Poking holes in condoms and lying about bc) they broke up and in the course of a year she moved in with each guy she was dating(10 guys total) and her goal was to get pregnant. Well anyways she messaged me on fb and said she heard about my pregnant and told me congrats. I said thank you and left it at that because again I don't consider her a friend and don't want anything to do with her. Well a week later she tried to add me on fb. I deleted it. She then messages me and asks why I haven't congratulated her on her pregnancy. I ignore the message. She then messages me saying how rude I was being for not congratulating her. I've been ignoring all of these messages and even blocked her. Well I didn't know she has like 3 different accounts and keeps messaging me. This is seriously crazy. Idk what her problem is or why she desperately needs to be congratulated by people that don't even like her. I'm sorry I don't feel then need to congratulate someone who lies to men to trap them by getting pregnant. Also I'm not gonna be happy for an 18 year old drop out, with no job, still lives at home with her mom, and honestly still act like a child yet she feels like she is the most amazing person in the world because she is pregnant.