Positive on dollar tree test with fmu, negative frer and walmart test... THOUGHTS?!


I took a dollar tree test yesterday with fmu and second line showed - it was very faint, but there.

Went out and got a First Response test later that afternoon and it was stark white negative. Took a cheapie walmart test this morning with FMU and that too was negative.

I have no clue when I ovulated this cycle bc it's the cycle right after my chemical pregnancy/early miscarriage (yes my dr cleared me to start ttc right away and my hcg levels did return to 0). My guess is I'm either 12 or 6 dpo based on OPKs.

Is it more likely that I got a false positive on that dollar tree test or that the dollar tree test is more sensitive than the other 2 and I'm super early?

Here are my 3 test: first 2 are faint positive dollar tree tests, second is negative FRER (tweaked) & 3rd is Walmart .88 cheapie. ..