Uterine abnormalities... Help!

So this is my first pregnancy. I went for my first appointment yesterday at what I thought was 8weeks 1 day. I do have longer cycles so the baby is measuring at 6w5d with a strong heartbeat.  Doctor said baby looks healthy and strong so far! And then she got concerned and said she noticed that my uterus is almost 2 chambers instead of one large one, which is also known as a septate uterus. It was hard for her to see how separated the two chambers were so I have to go back next week for a more in depth ultrasound with a specialist. From what I've read, the more complete of a seperation, the more complicated the scenario. I've been searching a lot online (probably not the best idea) but it's freaking me out because it says it can lead to early or late miscarriages! I've had no spotting or unusual cramping this far. I'm so scared. Anyone have experience with this???