What religion to raise our children?


I grew up Buddhist (Korean) for sacred reasons...my mother's mom died giving birth to her and to honor her, she raised us kids Buddhist. My husband is not really religious but says that he follows Christianity (Greek/Italian). We don't go to church but plan on baptizing our kids (Greek Orthodox) and having our son circumcised (which is not a Greek tradition).

My husband allows me to practice my religion but whenever I give him a charm from my mom or when she sends us prayers, he thinks it pagan and that really hurts my feelings. I told my DH that I will go to church with him as a family but can't take communion b/c I was never baptized. I love all religions as I feel they all have the same underlying morals. We just don't have a God. Buddhist believe that we must strive to be a better person and find the strength in ourselves.

Can kids be raised knowing both religions in the same way we plan on them learning Korean and English?

I don't want to start a controversy, but wanted to know of people are raising their kids with 2 completely different religions.
