Baby shower anxiety!

My mom is throwing me a baby shower next weekend and I have helped her in all the planning with not issues. However now that everyone is  RSVPing and I have realized that there will be over fifty people (some of which are my in laws that I've never met or met for two seconds during a holiday even years ago) and I will be the center of attention it's causing me some major anxiety. I have never even had a party for myself since bdays as a kid and although generally im a people person and friendly I don't like to be the center of attention. Now I'm stressed and kinda scared to go to my own shower. I know ultimately it's to celebrate the babies but since they're still in my tummy lol I'm just not sure how to make myself feel better about this and don't wanna struggle with it all the way untill then and then have a hard time during it. Anyone had a similar situation? If so what did you do and how did it go for you in the end? Thanks for reading and any advice ladies!