ProChoice Response

So recently I found a post on glow saying "I've never heard one pro choice argument that is not selfish." 
Maybe some pro choice arguments are selfish. But it's unfair to say they all are. 
I don't like the idea of abortion
I think it's sad that abortion is apart of our reality. 
However I'm pro choice because I don't have the right to tell a young girl who has been raped that she now needs to endure nine months of trauma by carrying the baby. 
When my mother was five she was raped by her father and his friends. 
That is a trauma that she will carry for the rest of her life. 
If this event happened after she started puberty she could've gotten pregnant. She wouldn't even be able to know which rapist the father would be. 
Things like this HAPPEN. 
I will always vote to keep abortion safe and legal because i don't have the right to take away options from a young girl who was raped even though I don't like the idea of abortion. 
I vote pro choice because I couldn't imagine being raped then forced to carry the baby because other people think the idea of abortion is yucky.