Is it unfair ? :/

Colleen • 19 years old, momma to a little boy Dakota & a little girl Kianna 💙❤
Is it unfair to ask my boyfriend not to go to parties ? Im 24 weeks pregnant, and I'd rather him not.… I've asked nicely, and have tried to explain why I don't want him too, I see it as yesI don't mind if he has a couple drinks with friends, but at work I got the worst news that he went to a massive party last night (we were fighting and he refuses to talk to me at all today) with a shit load of drugs and alcohol … im heartbroken by it. Why doesn't he understand ? What can I do to make him understand ? :( I'm feeling lost and lately like went to a massive party last night (we were fighting and he refuses to talk to me at all today) with a shit load of drugs and alcohol … im heartbroken by it. Why doesn't he understand ? What can I do to make him understand ? :( I'm feeling lost and lately like im doing this whole 'becoming' a parent thing on my own... :/