Dr appointment today, new hope!

Amy • Married to the love of my life and TTC#1!
I had an appointment with my gyno today and expressed the trials of TTC with endo. I am so thankful because he agreed with me!! How good it feels to have someone understand where you are coming from! We have been TTC naturally for four months but the pain has just become too much to bear. So, tomorrow (day 3) in my cycle I am having blood work done to assess ALL my levels. Next week I go for an ultrasound to check for endometriomas and cysts, plus anything else that may come to light. He discussed the possibility of clomid depending on the results of the blood work and also possibility of another lap if necessary. Everything seems hopefully and he says his goal is to get my pregnant! Although I don't have many answers today, I am once again feeling hopeful. Shout out to all you other ladies struggling with this awful condition!