So hormonal(rant, long)

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:
So yesterday was my birthday. I woke up feeling great. Barely had to get up throughout the night. It was awesome. Then I started to have a bad day. Started to get emotional. Stupid hormones. Husband comes home, and boy, the jokes he was cracking. I laughed most of them off, but he kept going. And it really pissed me off, and got me more upset. So to cheer myself up, I wanted to get a cake instead of making one. I haven't had a cake for my birthday since I was 16. So I wanted to cheer myself up. Well I got asked why and had a funny look giving to me by my husband. And he sighs and goes 'ok let's go get you a cake then'. Now I don't want one. Yes, wonderful hormones. Get to the store, we get stain remover so I can try to remove some stains from his uniform. I seriously did not want a cake anymore. So we go home. Get home and I start making dinner(he wanted to cook, make it a suprise, but I knew exactly what he wanted to make and I have been avoiding making it because I really don't want to eat it. I'm afraid it will make me sick). Cooking dinner and I get sick. Had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Brush my teeth and head back out to finish dinner. My daughter is wanting me to hold her now. So I had to cook dinner, while cramping a bit, while holding her, while he's outside watering dirt.... Yes.... Dirt. Oh boy did it piss me off. Fast forward, it's now bed time. I had to wash some dishes, I'm cramping even more(not enough to go to L&D). My daughter comes back and wants to be held again. I set the stool up next to the sink so she can watch. The husband doesn't notice she's gone for 5 minutes. So I say to him 'well, if you aren't going to want to help me with anything, just go to bed', in my pissed off rant. He does. Without saying a damn word to me. So my daughter and I slept downstairs in the guest bed. I could not sleep. Between cramping and being so mad, upset, and crying, I have gotten 4 hours of sleep. While he got his precious sleep all night with no interruptions. He's constantly complaining saying he's tired. I'm so pissed off, crying, and all I want to do is just runaway(I'm not really. And I'm not going to give up, but it's just how I feel). These hormones need to get better. Can't wait to have these boys and feel like myself again. By the way, I just want to say, by bo means am I wanting to say he was in the wrong completely. I am also at fault for letting the hormones get me down so bad. Sorry for the such long rant. I don't have friends here, and it's to early to call my mom.