Prenatal gummies?


I hate taking my prenatals! They are like horse pills and I can't keep them down! Does anyone use the gunmy version of prenatals?? Recommendations?
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Posted at
I used to take these and they were great!


Molly β€’ Apr 2, 2015
I take these before bed at night!


Deirdre β€’ Apr 1, 2015
These tasted ok. Then when I got really sick I threw them up and now cannot even look at them!


Louise β€’ Apr 1, 2015
Only prob is they contain vitamin A which you need to be careful with in pregnancy I read a review on Amazon that someone was recommended not to take these during pregnancy


Posted at
I take target brand prenatal gummies. They aren't bad but recently they make me want to gag...


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Used to take gummies as soon as I got pregnant. LOVED them for about a week, after that they made me gag. Even the smell of them makes me want to puke!! 


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A lot of prenatals surprisingly have unnatural chemicals in them. Your body may be reacting to them. Try looking for a vegetable based prenatal - if it is, it will say it on the bottle. Whole Foods def carry a bunch of different veggie based brands. 


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I was having SUCH a hard time with my prenatals. I could take them just fine, but they were all (I tried several different types) backing me up SO bad. I've never had constipation issues, and let me tell you, it's exhausting! And I'm still working close to 50 hours a week and I just wasn't making it. He told me to just come off them and take folic acid supplements instead and that he'd watch me close to make sure I got all the other stuff I needed while baby grows. I feel 100% better! I thought pregnancy symptoms were AWFUL! Nope! Turns out prenatal symptoms were awful! 


Posted at
I liked the Vitacrave Prenatal gummies too, but had to switch because they didn't have any iron.  I found these on Amazon, all natural plant-based and have all the good nutrients.  I have a very sensitive stomach, and these don't make my nauseous at all.  Good luck! 


Jane β€’ Apr 2, 2015
Aw man wish I had found those! Will look for them at refill time, thanks for the tip :)


Steph β€’ Apr 2, 2015
Rainbow light has a prenatal gummy!


Jane β€’ Mar 30, 2015
Warning though, they are horse pills πŸ˜’


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I was told that if I have problems taking my pill to put the pill In a small amount of water to let it dissolve and take it that way and if I can stand the taste to add a small amount of juice 


Desiree β€’ Apr 1, 2015


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Oh also, I have found that taking mine before bed helps me keep them down


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I asked my dr cause I kept getting sick and she gave me a prescription for vita pearls. It's one pretty small pill a day and it has iron and like double the folic acid than the other ones I was taking 


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U can't take two flinstones a day and be ok! 


Melissa β€’ Mar 30, 2015
yes you can I dunno what dr you go to have you compared them? because I have thank you