We were induced on 3/28 at 7:30am

We were induced on 3/28 at 7:30am. I was at 5cm and 50% effaced after two membrane sweeps the prior weeks. Once the pitocin started, the contractions came. By 2pm I was a 6, opted for an epidural before having my waters broke. Within two hours, progressed to an 8, couple contractions later I felt a lot of low pressure. Checked again and I was fully dilated. Did one practice push and moved the 2 inches. I was ready to meet my baby. Once the room was set up, it took 2 contractions with 4 pushes and she was here. Quickest 6 minutes of my life. Charley Ann Stahlschmidt. 3/28/14 4:47pm 7lbs 4oz 21in