Great article on endo in NYTimes

Lulu • 32 years old. Endometriosis. Surgery in January. Unsuccessful IFV in May/June. Unsuccessful FET in July. Trying again.
An article on endometriosis is currently the 5th most emailed New York Times story (which my husband first noticed tonight, to his great excitement!). There are now about 150 comments - I just read them all, and they are amazing in their similarity: for decades women have been suffering from this disease, and it is still so often unknown and undiagnosed, until it's too late. Here is hoping it's not too late for all of us trying to get pregnant with it. I am grateful for Glow, where I first heard of endo at age 31. Even then my doctors didn't really believe me. Turns out I had massive, extensive endo, which has been removed for now. A common story.