Soneone please goin nuts!

I got off bc 9 months ago and ever since my cycles have been exactly 49 days. Well I am now at 56 days with no signs of AF starting anytime soon. But for the pat 2 weeks ive had mild cramping. I did test at 3 days after AF wa sdue with a bfn. Is there any way I may still be pregnant or do I just need to wait AF out? Thank you...
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Posted at
Did AF show up yet? Maybe look into Fertilaid - it's a supplement that can regulate cycles. Not suitable for everyone obviously so do your research, but it helped me


Posted at
You aren't out until AF shows up. It's hard to say what's going on, because lots of things can mess with your cycles. Some women don't get positives early on on home tests, too. My thoughts are to retest a few days to a week after the last test. If it's still negative, keep waiting. If you're still getting negatives and miss a second period, see your doctor.