Feeling like a failure...

Really need some support and advice!
​Was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a couple weeks ago and since then ive been trying to monitor my diet and also exercise.
​I went to the diabetics clinic this week and have been strictly monitoring my diet and blood sugar levels. Ive managed to control my after meal readings with a strict diet and 30 mins walking after every meal. However, no matter what i do i cant seem to get my fasting levels under control! Im in Canada so its supposed to be 5.3 or less. So far mine have ranged from 5.7-6.6 . Im under soooooo much stress because of this and so depressed! I cnt even sleep properly anymore! Ive been feeling like such a failure because no matter wht i do i cant get my fasting numbers under control. :'(
​I REALLY do not want to go on insulin. I have needle phobia and i jst cannot bear the thought of injecting myself! For those ik canada, did the doc let u take metformin or glyburide instead of insulin if you insisted?? I jst want to relax and enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy bt this gd is making it soooo difficult and it completely bums me out! Throughout my pregnancy i dudnt have any cravings, and now tht ive finally started craving certain things..i cnt hav em!!! :( i feel cheated!
​Just need some support...and advice from those who went against docs orders and asked for oral medication instead of insulin.