Telling people

How far along were you before you told people of your pregnancy? I'll be 8 wks when I see my family who is out of state and I'd really like to tell them in person. This is my first one and my parent's first grandchild. 
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We told our parents very early mainly because SO was too excited and didn't want to wait. I got my bfp at 3weeks and 1day and told his parents two days later that Friday. I'm 4weeks and 6days now, and we just told my mom this past Friday. My sisters and our close friends found out right away as well. As far as everyone else, I plan on waiting till my second appointment on the 27th. I'll be 7weeks and 6days then. I don't plan on telling my work till I'm about 12weeks, mainly because I'm nervous with how they will take the news as I will be first one to be pregnant while working there (I work for a rubber mill). I've been there for 2years come July, so hoping it won't be too bad!


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I told people pretty early on. I was about 4 weeks when I told my brother and sister because they were coming to visit from out of state. I told my coworkers shortly after that because they were starting to ask (I was really sick)


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I told our parents and my grandpa right away so I was about 5 weeks but they were the only ones to know until 11 weeks. I wanted to wait til 12 but my husband was impatient.


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When you reach 8 weeks the chance of a miscarriage goes down a bit so ya go ahead and tell them