Divorce or no?

Tiffany • About to get divorced with two children and prego with baby #3 eta 6/17/15
There are so many expectation I have for a husband and mine is mine of them nor does he act like he wants to be that husband mind u we've only been married since May 2014 and been separated since January 2015 because of his infidelities. Plus he's just found another job and he constantly talks and texts this woman he used to work with that he has no desire of letting go but he says they are just friends bull💩.....I'm just fed up and he's become this a**hole that talks to me any kind of way. Idk what to do but I just want him to either try to fix us or get gone. It's ridiculous I'm now 7 months pregnant going they this shit and I'm stressed. This is our third baby but second together and I just want peace! Any advice feel free! I wanna work stuff out but he just say idk what I want😖