Labor near? Please help.

What was your signs that labor was near? How did you know you were about to go into labor, and how fast did you deliver after you realized that labor was creeping up on you?
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I had mild contractions my mucus plug came out and I started walking around the house 2 hrs later my contractions was unbearable went into the hospital 1 hr later I was pushing 


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My water broke so I knew labor was comming. It broke at 1am, i had her at 1130am


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TMI.. But, My plug started coming out at 35 weeks. Then at 38 weeks I REALLY a lost my plug, because there were specks of blood when I wiped. And my water broke within a half hour of seeing that. I had been having VERY mild contractions the night before but they didn't feel like I expected them to. They felt more like tingling in my low low abdomen than tightening of the entire uterus like everyone says.  Then I had a sandwich and went to the hospital haha 


Becky • Apr 8, 2015
Oh and I pushed out a teeny tiny baby about 18 hours later! 😁


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I had contractions, but when I spoke to the on call nurse she said it wasn't labour without even letting me tell her how close together they were, she was going off of the fact that I was only 36 weeks. About an hour later I found out I was bleeding, so I went to the hospital and sure enough I had dilated from 2 cm that morning to 5 cm. Baby took 22 hours