Can anyone help me please!!!!

Tiffany • TTC#3
My last period was March 1st and my next period was suppose 2 start March 31st but didn't. I'm 1 week and 1 day late and I took a hpt on April 3rd but came out negative. On March 29th I had light pink gooey discharge that only lasted not even a minute, and then I didn't start my period on the 30th, but a day - 3 or 4 days or so my husband would rub my vagina but when I went to the restroom and wiped I saw a little bit of light pink stuff. 1 day after sex with my husband I went to the restroom and when I wiped I saw light pink blood on the toilet paper which didn't last more than 1 minute or so. But my husband tried to play with me by rubbing my clit for a Couple of days and I would do the light pink stuff but very little. So I decided not to do anything at all that week because I was scared. Until yesterday and nothing happened. I'm 20 and a mother of 2 but I haven't ever had this happen before. If I am pregnant I would be 5 weeks and 1 day. Could I be pregnant but just have taken the hpt test too early? I need help please and thank you!!!