Baby names????

Ariana • I'm 20 and we're currently pregnant with baby number one. EDD October 28 2015. 😊👶✨👶🎃
I need to keep busy and I think this is a one way that'll help. We've been trying to agree on baby names we've agreed on Micah Amir for a boy but we can't agree on a girl name I liked Ma'liyah Aubrey or Melody Aubrey. My fiancé says the girl names are "too common" and I disagree it's not as common as my name or names like Ashley, Brittany, Briana, etc. I want the babies initials to be MAR so can you mamas comment your opinions and suggestions please. I won't be offended if you don't like the names I've chosen just please don't be rude. And I'd like to keep the name unique but simple nothing that'll be too out of the box that my baby will hate me for in the future. Lol let the comments begin ladies.