Low egg reserve

Hi there, I have been for a transvaginal ultrasound to see if everything is ok with ovarys womb etc, with result came back normal, I am 45 years of age have three children to previous husband oldest child being 18 youngest 13. I have just got married in December 2014, we have been trying for baby since I came off the pill July 2014. Husband had test for count and he's fine. I had test done on my ovary to see if they are still producing eggs and how health they are etc, it came back that there is only 4% in my reserve, he said some maybe of poor quality as for my age. He said there would be more chance of miscarriage or abnormalities, but only a possibility. He said we could keep trying and let nature take its course and see what happens. Or we were asks if we would consider egg donor. That was a no. I have been taken vitex macca royal jelly and fertilaid for the las 3-4 months with improvement to period as they were irregular when I came off the pil, but still spot half way through month and near the end of month when next period is due, we are still trying everything month. Has anyone any advice on what I've said who may of had similar or the same problem, what you might have or are take , and have successfully got pregnant please comment