Fetal intelligence

Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.
So this is totally controversial I guess. I'm 23 weeks and a day. And I was reading about how baby is viable outside of the womb next week (yay!!) and I was also reading about fetal pain. Some articles state that they can feel pain as early as 20 weeks while others stated that it's impossible for them to feel it before the third trimester. Whatever the case may be, I  think my baby can feel pain. Not because something happened that could've hurt her (besides that episode where i fell down the stairs, which didn't even startle her because she was still under my pelvic bone). As most know fetus' get a kicking/ moving pattern. And for the past week, I've noticed that she will kick in response to me placing my hand on my belly. Every time (unless she's asleep). And it's typically on or near my hand. Now I may be giving her too much credit, and you can all chide me saying that there's no way she's that smart yet, but I feel that if she can feel something that light (I apply zero pressure) that she could have pain receptors. But I could be wrong. Any opinion is allowed.