Women's rights

I've been thinking a lot women's rights. What are they? What do they mean? As I've been thinking about them, I've questioned some of the beliefs I have seen recently on Glow about the rights.
This is my opinion about (some of the) women's rights, it's not necessarily right, but it's mine.
I believe that when women fought for rights many years ago, they fought for a voice. They fought against the mold that society had put on them. They fought against the expectation that women were only good for cooking, cleaning, sex and caring for children.
I think in this day, we have put the stamp of "women's rights" on some things that really shouldn't fall in the category of women's rights. The biggest example I've seen is: porn. (Hear me out on this), I think porn is the opposite of women's rights because it's giving the idea that women's bodies are only sex objects. They are toys that are to be used when convient for the man; the woman's feelings, thoughts or opinions should never be taken into consideration by the consumer. Isn't this the opposite of what women have been fighting for? Haven't we been fighting for a voice that says we are worth MORE than sex? MORE than pleasure? MORE than whatever pleases men?
How can women run around shouting at the top of their lungs that they want women's rights, and yet they are okay with other women exploiting their bodies for men, and they're okay with their own SO watching the very thing they're fighting against?
We, as women, are worth SO MUCH MORE than sex. We are capable of incredible thoughts, ideas, and physical labor just like men are. 
I think it's ridiculous that we're allowing our image to be manipulated and oversexualized and exploited to this degree.