Leaving parents' religion?

(I know this probably isn't the right place to talk about it but I've met some of the most reasonable and honest women ever on this app and feel like I need this types of answers)

Have any of you done it? How did they take it? Did you convert to another religion? Or leave religion completely? How religious are your parents?

My family is Muslim (father since birth and mother converted from Christianity after having kids) and they're not very strict, they do pray but don't dress wear scarves. They go by the Book and are very reasonable about pretty much everything so I'm grateful for how I was raised. I was also educated about a lot of other religions because I was surrounded by them in our local Peace Group that we attend as a family so I have a respect for them all.

I thought I was a lesbian from around 10 years old to 15. I'm now 19 and think I'm bi or straight but I'm not sure. For those ages where I thought I was a lesbian I started to drift away from my religion. Now I'm older I've found a pretty big Muslim LGBT+ community exists but I didn't have that when I was a kid. Since that period in my life I've not really considered myself Muslim. If anyone asks I just say agnostic but really I do think there might be a God (whatever form that may take) I can appreciate it in every religion and don't feel the pressure to choose one to practice.

Basically I'm no longer religious and I don't know how to tell my parents. The main things that I'll probably be doing differently to how I was raised are:

Dating (I was raised for dating to be a serious thing of only doing it with the intention of finding a husband)

Maybe dating women

Sex before marriage

Dressing (I was raised to cover from knees to elbows)

Not praying (they obviously do it five times a day)

For now I can cover it up but I don't want to hide this from my parents forever, they deserve to know and I respect them too much to lie if they ever directly ask.

Most of my behaviour is the same because I really respect the vast majority of values I was taught (stuff like trying to be selfless, giving to the poor, helping out in my community, being kind to everyone even if we don't agree on something, being grateful for everything I have, appreciating everything etc.) so it's not as if I'm full rejecting the religion but I don't know how they'll take it.

My mum will be okay with it (I think) because she's a convert herself but my sister is an atheist (my dad doesn't know) and sometimes she makes snide remarks without knowing that I know buuuuuuuut their relationship hasn't broken down so that's something. I'm completely unsure about my dad though. He surprises me a lot but he's also pretty overractive about tiny things that don't matter a lot of the time so it could go either way: acceptance or total rejection.

Anyone have any experiences with anything similar?