Dilated or Effaced?

This is baby 2 for me. I am 30 weeks (due June 22) 2 nights ago I had Braxton Hicks that were 2-5 minutes apart for an hour. And they were unusually crampy and painful. I knew I wasn't in active labor bc they eventually subsided and haven't come back with any regularity since. But I'm wondering if anyone else has had this at this point and if your dr has indicated that you are dilated or effaced at all. I remember the same feeling when I was 36 weeks with baby 1 and my dr said at my appointment that I was 1 cm and 50% but I'm only 30 weeks right now. So I'm just curious. 
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I am 34 weeks and I have been 1cm dialated for 4 weeks now.. My dr put me on bedrest to try and get as close to 37 weeks as I can.. 5th pregnancy and I haven't made it that far yet so fingers crossed...lol


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I'm 31 weeks and dr hasn't checked me yet. I'm high risk (I'm 38 and have 9 pound babies) but all I've had has been the stress test.