Over 40 TTC- have you seen a Fertility Specialist

Hi everyone,  I am just wondering how many of you over 40 have seen a fertility specialist yet. What types of tests have you had, meds and procedures. What has worked?  I have done two cycles of Clomid in the past and it didn't work. I have had the full bloodwork makeup and my blood sugar was a little high and took glumetza for 3 months and cut out refined sugars and lost 15 pounds. I am still about 50 pounds over weight. I had a mid to high result for AMH and currently waiting for Chromosome Analysis results and Anticardiolipon, Protien c and s tests. Two Chemical Pregnancies and one 7 week MC have led to the last set of tests. We have been TTC for 2 years. Let's share our experiences here. Baby dust to all.