Disappointed in my sister (long story)

So I just found out my 20 yr old sister is pregnant. She could be as far along as 16-18 weeks already. She says she didn't know and was drinking and smoking the last few months. Which is fine (well not fine but I'm not upset over this) she didn't know and has crazy erratic periods like me so I can see this being true. What I'm disappointed in is the fact that she took no precautions against getting pregnant even though she is in no way ready  to raise a child and her life is a mess. She sleeps on friends couches, doesn't have job, has a suspended license and has some mental issues she really needs to deal with (bipolar, addiction, anxiety all run in our family).  Put this with the fact that she told me she wanted to have a baby soon several times since Christmas makes me think this wasnt an accident. She's not even sure who the father is. I just wish she would have taken our talks to heart and she wouldn't be in this position. Obviously she's my sister and I'm going to help and support her in any way I can but I don't think I'm even gonna be able to be any help other than giving her someone to talk to. I'm 34 weeks pregnant, have a small home and lost my job unexpectedly when the company I worked for closed a bunch of stores, mine being one of them so I can't help with much else. Plus we live in different states. My grandparents (our father passed away and we don't get along with our mother) and my bf have told me I need to step back and leave her on her own to deal with her actions and the consequences and part of me thinks they are right but then I will feel guilty and feel as if I am turning my back on her. I just don't know what to do and I am stressing over it which isn't good for me or my baby girl. Just looking for some outside insight. Sorry if this is in the wrong group, I wasn't sure where to put it.